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- ==========
- tech.notes/pc.code #29, from pmaupin, 3407 chars, Sat Jun 4 22:40:45 1988
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- TITLE: Finding DOS's master environment pointer
- This is a fragment of code that my SD.COM program uses to find
- the environment. This fragment is different than most ways of
- finding the environment, in that it finds the MASTER environment block,
- not the current process's parent's environment.
- This is useful in some cases, and has the added advantage that
- it does NOT behave differently when executing under CodeView,
- so you do NOT have to hard-code your system's DOS environment address
- into your program in order to debug it.
- EnvPtr EQU 2CH ; Offset in PSP
- CommandInterrupt EQU 2EH ; entry point into first Command.Com
- ; through interpreter
- DosSegPtr EQU CommandInterrupt * 4 + 2
- ; FindEnvironment is passed:
- ; DS should point to program PSP
- ; FindEnvironment returns:
- ; ES points to master environment block, or program's copy if couldn't
- ; find the master.
- ; CX is length of block, or 0 if couldn't find the master.
- ; FindEnvironment destroys:
- ; AX, SI
- FindEnvironment PROC NEAR
- xor si,si ; Point to segment 0
- mov es,si
- mov si, word ptr es:[DosSegPtr]
- mov ax,si
- call VerifyBlock ; make sure we've found COMMAND
- jnz GotBlock ; jump if not a good block --
- ; use process's environment
- mov ax,es:[EnvPtr+10h] ; get COMMAND's environment ptr
- or ax,ax ; jump if COMMAND has a
- jnz MaybeGoodBlock ; subsidiary environment
- mov ax,si ; If no subsidiary, just use
- add ax,cx ; the allocation block
- inc ax ; immediately after COMMAND
- MaybeGoodBlock: call VerifyBlock ; verify that we have a good
- ; one, one way or another
- GotBlock:
- shl cx,1 ; multiply by 16 to get
- shl cx,1 ; length in bytes
- shl cx,1
- shl cx,1
- mov es,ax
- ret
- ; VerifyBlock tries to insure that we're pointing to a valid DOS
- ; allocation block. If not, returns the current process's environment
- ; block.
- VerifyBlock PROC NEAR
- dec ax ; get block header into ES
- mov es,ax
- inc ax
- cmp byte ptr es:[0],04Dh ; make sure signature is valid
- jnz UseCurrent
- cmp word ptr es:[1],si ; make sure owner is valid
- jnz UseCurrent
- mov cx, word ptr es:[3] ; retrieve the length
- ret
- UseCurrent: mov ax,word ptr ds:[EnvPtr] ; get current process's env
- xor cx,cx ; zero length
- ret
- VerifyBlock ENDP
- FindEnvironment ENDP
- So far, this seems to work. I would welcome any feedback on its
- efficacy, but if the feedback is negative, please give the DOS version
- and a detailed problem description. Thanks,
- Pat